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Immediate Confidence Boost Tips

Start walking tall instantly. Straighten up. It will make you feel better and more confident immediately.

  1. Repeat in your head (positive self-talk): “I am confident and successful”. If you can’t remember to do it set alarms on your phone with the message at least couple of times a day.

  2. Praise yourself for anything which you do right or well. Does not matter how small it is.

  3. Do you remember something very kind your friends or family said to you or about you on Facebook or in texts? Go back and read it again. Or simply take a photo or screenshot and make it your wallpaper.

  4. Write down all the things you are good at and keep reading them over as often as possible.

  5. Go and pay someone a compliment and wait to get one back. When you do, don’t reject it. Just say thank you, that’s very kind of you.

  6. To any challenges you are facing and which are bringing you down say “not a big deal, it will be fine”.

  7. Go on YouTube and play the funniest videos you can find. Whether it is kittens jumping around, your favourite comedy sketch, music video or TV show. Just laugh as much and as hard as you can.

For women mainly:

  1. Call a friend and be honest. Say you are struggling at the moment and you need cheering up. There is a very good chance they will support you and tell you how great you are and that you will be ok. And then simply stay with the thought.

  2. Go have your hair done. Or your manicure or pedicure. And take a photo of how great you look like.

  3. Dress nicely. Wear your best clothes for absolutely no other reason but boosting your confidence immediately.

  4. Put on your favourite perfume and feel attractive. It will make you smile and you will feel great about yourself.

The sooner you start systematically building your confidence the sooner you will feel great. So start now. If you need any help we would be glad to hear about it.

For more information or to book a session please contact us on 07896023038.

Jana Green Confidence boosting tips

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